The new wine, "the BEAUJOLAIS"

Publié le 19 Novembre 2017

JPEG - 59.5 ko In 2017, the Beaujolais Nouveau is back on the 3rd Thursday of November . 


The output of this fruity wine is eagerly awaited by amateurs, but is also a good reason to meet friends in a friendly atmosphere.

This festival causes many demonstrations in the Pays Beaujolais, where the celebrations often extend until the end of the week. The launch of Beaujolais Nouveau is traditionally done with Les Sarmentelles at Beaujeu, where a procession of wheelbarrows filled with burning branches before the piercing of the first barrels at twelve strokes of midnight. Producers and winemakers open the doors of their cellars and vaults until late into the night to taste their wines. The restaurants offer menus on the theme of Beaujolais, and all villages are at the party by offering craft products through various events.

Prices of The New Beaujolais :

what are we eating with this wine ?

generally cooked meats, andouille with autumn fruits.

Lilopin returned at home and drink "The New Beaujolais" :

Rédigé par Marie-Christine

Publié dans #COMEWITHME, #new beaujolais, #french wine, #vin malin, #lilopin, #domacaraibes

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