Publié le 26 Février 2017

My last trip : "Se canta", the hymn of all Occitans, Se canta, Se canto, If canti, also know as Se chanta is the song of all Occitans, the "hymn" It is taken from...

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Rédigé par Marie-Christine

Publié dans #trip, #lilopin, #provence


Publié le 19 Février 2017 LILOPIN's video : LILOPIN at NICE (2014): http://www.nic...

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Rédigé par Marie-Christine

Publié dans #trip, #france, #nice, #carnaval, #lilopin


Publié le 19 Février 2017

Today, I would like to take you on the Côte d'Azur (French Riviera) to discover the mimosa and the local festivities. To start, let's look at a map of France to locate the regions : Me, I live in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, near Marseille, at Aubagne....

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Rédigé par Marie-Christine

Publié dans #trip, #mimosa, #mimosa route, #french riviera, #france, #mimosa festival


Publié le 8 Février 2017

It was at Candlemas that large and small blow pancakes at home. What a gourmet pleasure! Indeed, on February 2 of each year, this popular custom is practiced among others, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Like many popular festivals , Candlemas...

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